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4 Generation of Rights Association is an association founded in 2024 by a group of researchers and academics who have conducted several collaborative researches in social sciences since 2020. Its purpose is to carry out studies in the field of rights covering human beings and all life, and to ensure that the results of academic studies are publicised. Thus, the association intends to promote the interaction between scientific knowledge and social practice. When choosing its subjects of study, it prioritises those related to social groups that have been subjected to violations of rights and have limited access to justice and to their habitats.  


The objectives of the association are as follows:

  • To conduct scientific research and develop data-based policies at local, national, regional and global level

  • To design and carry out empowering projects and programmes for prioritised groups in line with the policies developed, 

  • To ensure that the findings of and the information produced by scientific research are transparently disseminated to the relevant segments (groups / communities daha iyi geliyor kulağa gerçi)

  • To develop a dialogue and cooperation with stakeholders interested in the studies on rights, particularly national and international NGOs, academia and local governments.


You can access the statute of our association by clicking here.


Human rights came into life in 1776 with the American Declaration of Independence, and in 1789 with the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. They are these fundamental principles that have been constantly re-examined, recontextualized and expanded towards new rights in their history up to the present day. These principles are political and social as well as legal, as they concern not only the fundamental rights and freedoms granted or to be granted to individuals, but also various aspects of collective life. In this sense, the history of human rights is also the history of the interconnections and intersections between these three fields: law, politics and sociality. The understanding of rights under different generations, which became widespread in the late twentieth century (Karel Vasak, 1977), also bears the traces of these historical transformations.


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Gözde Aytemur

Since 2011, she has been a faculty member at Galatasaray University, Department of Sociology. Her research interests focus on juvenile and youth criminal justice, managerial and political transformation of justice institutions and judicial professions, media-law-justice relations. In 2022, she defended her dissertation at ENS Paris-Saclay University titled "Are Prosecutors in Turkey "Broke Emperors"? An Analysis of a Professional Group Caught Between the Managerialization and Politicization of Justice", which he defended at ENS Paris-Saclay University in 2022, was awarded a research prize by the Galatasaray University Consortium, a consortium of French universities.

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Julie Alev Dilmaç

She is a lecturer at Galatasaray University, Department of Sociology. Her research interests include the sociology of death as well as social representations. In this context, in 2021, she contributed to writing a report for the Friedrich Ebert Foundation on hate speech against foreigners in Cyprus (Public discourses of hate speech in Cyprus : Awareness, policies and prevention). In 2020, she published a book on honor killings in France, as well as work on the risks associated with new communication technologies, especially cyber harassment cases affecting young people and women.

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Seçil Doğuç Ergin

Seçil Doğuç Ergin is a faculty member at Galatasaray University, Department of Sociology. Her research interests include sociology of incarceration, sociology of crime and deviant behavior, and discrimination. In 2020, the book she co-authored with İpek Merçil titled "What Do Four Walls Do to a Woman?" was awarded the 45th Sedat Simavi Commendable Work Award by the Journalists Association of Turkey.  

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Senem Örnek Özatalay

After her bachelor's degree in art history at Mimar Sinan University, she completed her master's degree in art and language theories at EHESS.  Between 2005-2016, she worked as a media director, editor and public relations coordinator in the media sector. Between 2014-2017, she participated as an expert art historian in the research titled "The Formation and Structure of the Contemporary Art Market in İstanbul" within the scope of Galatasaray University Scientific Research Projects. 

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Zeynep Savaşçın

Zeynep Savaşçın, who teaches political philosophy, philosophy of law and ethics at the Department of Philosophy at Galatasaray University, received her PhD degree from ÉHESS -Paris in 2017 with a dissertation titled "De la publicité kantienne à l'éthicité hégélienne: Raison et vie des normes" ("From Kantian Publicity to Hegelian Ethical Life, the Wisdom and Life of Norms"). She has published and researched on Rousseau, Axel Honneth, Şeyla Benhabib, Hartmut Rosa and her PhD teacher Marcel Gauchet. Her book Democracy in Search of the Citizen, a collection of Gauchet's works, was published in 2012.   

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Cem Özatalay

Cem Özatalay serves as a faculty member in the sociology department at Galatasaray University, where he focuses his research on topics including social inequalities, discrimination, social rights, and neoliberalism. Since September 2023, he has been leading a project titled "SOCRETUR - Social Rights as Instruments of Europeanization from below - Crossed Perspective on Europe and Turkey," which is supported by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module.

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